Dear Readers,

Thank you for stopping here on the internet trail.

While this isn’t an abandoned blog, it is one I’ve transplanted to boomerpdx.com while this one still gets traction. Probably why my SEO isn’t working on Boomer PDX?

The loyalty you’ve shown is remarkable. Who knew? Because of that I’m asking a favor: please jump over and follow boomerpdx.

I’m not running off on you. Don’t run off on me.


David Gillaspie

17 thoughts on “ABOUT THAT BLOGGER

  1. Paul "queen of the hill" Munson says:

    I am glad to see you are moving on with your writing career. It was good to see you at your Mom’s service, it had been a while since we had been together. I hope you had a great Christmas with your family and hope to see you sometime soon. Take care of yourself David. You are still “King of the Hill”. No chance for a rematch since they have torn that hill down and put a house on it! You are so lucky!!

  2. Ferenc Sandy says:

    Dear Dave, I am thrilled that your dream of being a writer is unfolding. You were always, since our college days as roomates, a man that loved to share thoughts and question the unquestionable. I’m smiling for you….Ferenc

    • David Gillaspie says:

      That’s the beauty of the blog, Ferenc. I’ve heard from relatives of people written about. I’ve been edited by my Mom. I’m telling you, it’s all that and a dirty keyboard.

      We may need to collaborate on a post one day soon. deegeesbb@gmail.com

  3. I have to say that for the past few of hours i have been hooked by the impressive posts on this blog. Keep up the wonderful work.

  4. Hello David…

    Oh my… I just found my little scrap of paper I jotted your blog address on after the last Willamette Writer’s meeting. Maybe you remember. You were talking to my son and I nosed into the conversation. Well, I’m glad I did. It led me right here to the intersection where your passions collide.

    Coming from a pioneer family in Washington who founded two historical societies and parents who were both City of Kent Historians I find looking back to find how we got to today interesting. Although when young I found my parents a bore, I now know they planted a seed. Or is it just my age ‘wrestling’ to latch onto something I can understand?

    Looks as if I have some interesting reading ahead… ellen

    • David Gillaspie says:

      Hi Ellen,

      I do remember meeting you. I try to scout the writing talent at Willamette Writers meetings every month, and there you were trying to convince me you weren’t a writer. Nice try. I was so jealous you and your son were there together. I’ve tried getting my sons to come along with me, but not yet.

      Funny thing about being a bore. My twenty-something children have the wife and I tagged as bores when we watch Antique Roadshow. They say, “When we get old it might be more interesting.” That’s when I resist the choke-out. Maybe the carved rhino horn isn’t interesting, but hearing it’s worth $350,000 is.

      Thanks for coming in. You’ll be a great guest.


  5. Jay Pannell says:

    Dave, read your book about “Abe”. Took me back to the room below the gym where champions were made. He was certainly one of a kind. I’ve got a first year wrestler on my hands nowadays and wished I could still go back home and talk to him. Do you really have videos of him? I would love to get a copy. Please email back.

    Jay P
    NBHS 87′

    • deegeesbb says:

      Hi Jay,

      You’ve got a first year wrestler? It’s going to be a great ride that lasts a lifetime. There’s nothing like the surprise on a kid’s face when they realize they’re good enough to go out and win. That cuts both ways on dads and sons when he sees you go into shock after he launches an opponent.

      My brother Steve Gillaspie has Abe video. You can find him on facebook. Ask him for his own video on coaching since he’s about as close to Abe as you’ll find. They are both in the National Wrestling Hall of Fame for their coaching and contributions to wrestling.

      When the season settles in later on, think about writing a guest post for all the dads with first year wrestlers. Let me know and I’ll send you DG’s B&B guidelines.

      email on the way,


  6. Hi! I’ve been following your website for a long time now and finally got the bravery to go ahead and give you a shout out from Kingwood Texas! Just wanted to say keep up the great job!

  7. Sandy (Swann) says:

    I thoroughly enjoy your blog. Your writing is excellent. I always loved the hilarious Neil & Bob and some random stuff you did now and then, but your blog surpasses everything done previously on the forum, that I read anyway.

    I don’t know why I thought you lived in Canada, though. And maybe once upon a time in Philly.

    Anyway, just wanted to say how well developed your writing is and I think you could sell your work to some of the better magazines.

    All my best,


    PS: The piece on your father-in-law is not only compelling to read with an interesting angle and it’s not just emotionally moving and inspiring, but it’s mportant! People have to KNOW this!

  8. Hi,
    I read the article on your non-fiction piece on caregiving. I liked it very much. I run a small (very small) press and if you’re still looking for someone to work with, I’d love the chance.
    Take care,
    Eddie Burkhalter

    • David Gillaspie says:

      Hi Eddie,
      It is a wild story of caregiving. I have a book proposal to send you. Let me know when you’d like to see it.

      David Gillaspie

  9. Kay Washko says:

    I have the same hat. It’s part of my kayak get-up! It’s good to see you again, Dave! I’ve not been part of the CL forum for about a year now as I’ve been grappling with Life. As Anton Checkov said: ‘Any idiot can face a crisis; it’s the day to day living that wears you down.’ Amen, Anton. Amen.


    • David Gillaspie says:

      I don’t think it’s made for riding a Knott’s Berry Farm coaster horse that flys around at forty mph but it stayed on.

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